Apr 4, 2008

History of Tae Kwon Do by James Hong


During the first century BC, there were three kingdoms in Korea - Koguryo, Paekje and Silla. Koguryo was the oldest and most powerful of them all, always in competition with the Chinese, and conquering more and more land to the west of Korea and into Manchuria. While Koguryo was busy with matters up north, the two other kingdoms Paekje and Silla farther south were able to develop more or less discreetly. However, an attempt on Koguryo by Paekje was unsuccessful, and led to the southern expansion of Koguryo, while Paekje was forced to move even farther down near Silla. Silla at this point was the least developed kingdom of them all and was a tributary state to Koguryo. However, as Paekje's population blended amongst Silla's people, this small kingdom attacked its ally, Koguryo. After allying itself with the Chinese on the mainland, conquered and unified the whole peninsula as the Unified Silla Dynasty. This dynasty lasted until 936AD, when it was overthrown and replaced by the Koryo Dynasty.

Nam diễn viên chính trong phim minh hoạ : Doãn Quốc Đan


As far back as 50BC, historians have found paintings on cave walls, next to tombs, which is typical of traditional Koguryo burials. On these paintings, there are men in fighting poses, specifically, in "Taekkyon" poses. "Taekkyon" is the ancestor of Taekwondo. It is the Korean national version of "Subak" which is a martial art derived from other forms of combat. "Taekkyon" imposed a heavy influence on ancient Korean military training. The "hwarang" learned the ways of the "Taekkyon" and eventually the art was named after these elite warriors, as "hwarangdo". However, as firearms came into existence, they replaced this traditional hand-to-hand combat. First the military, then royalty and at last even some of the common fold abandoned "Taekkyon." Only a few practiced it out of self-cultivation and some for sport. During the Japanese invasion, this martial art was announced illegal to practice or to learn, the Japanese soldiers wanted to erase anything related to Korea's culture during the occupation. Even after the liberation of Korea in 1945, "Taekkyon" remained very unknown and only became public in 1968. Even today, it struggles to stay alive, in direct competition of its much more popular offspring, Taekwondo.

Trích từ : http://www.cyberport.uqam.ca/english/countries/Korea/CultWinter2001taekwondoR.htm#BIBLIOGRAPHY


Hot... said...

Hello Dan,
You are very cool, and very power! I am sure that you can protect yourself and Vit also
See you in summer in California
Uncle Hung

Dan Doan <

Hot... said...

Dan o*i ,
You look so cool , young man !
Way to go .....

chu Vinh

Hot... said...

Looking great! De thuong qua: hinh nhu Dan van deo kinh can thi dung khong? Teacher co giang so qua ve philosophy cua Tae kwon do khong (in addition to action)? Thang may thi moi nguoi sang choi ben Ca? Mong gap lai! ngoc to

Hot... said...

Ba` Huong,

Ba cho coi mo^t CLIP film thang cha'u ba` mua vo~ TAKEKKON ma` tui phi` cuoi. Kho^ng phai cuoi thang be' ma` cuoi tui. Ba` biêt sao kho^ng? tui bat thang con tui hoc Takekkon ma no' kho^ng chiu hoc. Sau cung tui phai di hoc chung voi no' thi` no' moi chiu hoc. O? cai tuoi 43 ma` tha^n hinh nang ne^ cua tui thi lam sao hoc duoc loai vo~ na`y... Va^y ma phai ra'n. Ngay da^u vo^ con nho? vo~ su* (nguoi NGA) no' bat tui ta^p the^ luc. No' bat tui chay vong vong ma chay dua voi tui nho?, tui chay thua la no' bat tui hit da^t 10 cai, ro^i chay ngang chay doc, chay nhay chuong ngai va^t, ro^i chay tie^p ho*i, rôi no' bat choi ruot bat va sau cung no' bat tui choi tro` rông ra'n le^n ma^y, mo^t thang cha^n dang truoc ma minh di bat cai duo^i. Chay nhu* va^y la lie^n tuc 30 chuc phut, xong tui nam tho?. No' cho tui uong mo^t ly nuoc rôi vo^ ta^p nhung the^ nhu* dung mo^t cha^n, ro^i ta^p da' , da ngang da' doc, ma` cai cha^n cua tui ba^y gio cung ngat thi da' da^u co' le^n nu~a. Sau no' no' bat tui mua quye^n y nhu* thang chau ba` mua tre^n Video.

Mua quye^n, mua cuoc gi tui tho? ho^c ho*i. Sau do' no' day tui ma^t thê tu* ve^ khi bi bo'p co^? , bi nam ao, nam qua^n thi phai lam sao... cai nay thi tui khoai vi no' thuc te^ vi dua nao nam co^ tui thi tui co' the^ be? queo tay.

Sau cung no' day tui bay le^n cao ro^i da'... tui bay lam sao nguye^n cai tha^n nguoi tui lan quay ra, ro^i cai cha^n da^p manh xuo^ng san va hai ho^m nay tui tro? thanh thuong phe^ binh di ca` nhat luo^n vi bi thuong ga^n cha^n...

Do' la chuye^n hoc vo# cua tui , tui nghi~ tui ma duoc quay vao VIDEO thi chac ba` co' phim ngo^i cuoi be^ bung vi tui tha^y tui y nhu* Bac MR BEAN ma di hoc vo~...

Thie^t ma noi ca 40 nam nay tui kho^ng choi ruot bat va tro choi ro^ng ran .. gio duoc choi tha^y cung vui nhi????

Hi hi hi thang ban cua ba` nhie^u tro choi vui qua' hen... ngay nao ba` tha^y tui chup hinh mac qua^n ao vo~ thua^t Dai Han dung ngac nhie^n nha

Stop nha ba`
