Feb 1, 2022


Dear cả nhà,

Do tình hình Tết cũng hơi khó gom tụ cho đủ đầy, tụi con mạn phép thay mặt toàn ban HCC Sài Gòn, gửi đến cụ Doãn Quốc Sỹ bài thơ của bố Vinh sáng tác và lời chúc sinh nhật với tình thương mến từ tất cả con cháu ở đây. Kịch bản là của Má Thùy dàn dựng.

Chúc đại gia đình ở mọi nơi một cái Tết ấm áp an lành và viên mãn.


Em Ni


Hai thằng nó chúc sinh nhật ông nè mẹ Hương 

- Mẹ Ngọc

Sau đây là những lời chúc các cháu và chắt ở Úc gửi đến Ông. 

- mẹ Thanh

1. Anh Anh

Happy Birthday Ong Ngoai! A century of walking on this earth and you are still not done with experiencing its beauty and sharing it with us through your eyes. I know if I asked any of the many people that look up to you they would say it would take any of us more than two centuries to achieve what you have.

Your name resonates, I remember as a young person meeting people I didn’t know, mentioning your name brought instant recognition.. “Ah you’re from that family”.

I remember writing your name on signs as we protested for your release, I remember coming to terms with the truth of our family’s struggle and history as I got older. Your story and what it meant as a symbol against a cruel government, the terror of war and what it means to overcome it. Your resilience makes an indelible mark on not only our community but of course your family, Hugo will share in this, and we are all grateful for our blessings.

But the truth is Doan Quoc Sy the writer and poet isn’t the man that I remember first. It’s the sweet, gently spoken man that walks beside me that has a breathy chuckle of delight and the man always open to inspiration, will pause mid journey to contemplate and write in his notebook.

It will be said, 100 means you are old, but you will never be old enough. 

- With love, chau Anh, Tam and Hugo.

2. Bi 

Bi, Seb và Nui chúc mừng sinh nhật 100 tuổi của ông ngoại, ông cố yêu quí.

Khi nào ông nghĩ lại những năm đã sống trên đất này, chắc chắn là ông có mấy triệu kinh nghiệm đẹp.

Mấy đứa mong là hôm nay ông cười cho đã, ăn ngon miệng và no bụng, nghe nhạc nguyên ngày và cảm nhận tình yêu thương của gia đình và bạn bè chung quanh và ở xa.

3. Xiu

Hello Grandad, 

Happy 100th birthday, you have graced this earth for a century and I am so happy for you and the family, it is really special. While the realities of distance and language have made it difficult for us to have a closer relationship, I really wish that we knew each other better. However, as stories of your courage, wisdom, determination and tremendous literary grace were never far from our table, I do feel like I know you. Whenever I hear about you from our family and friends I selfishly hope that I have inherited a small part of those traits from you haha I look up to you a lot. 

While you are known for your achievements and sacrifices, it is the love and affection given to you from the family that tells me the most about your character and the man you are. The way my mother and her siblings, Di Lien, Di Ba, Chu Vinh, Chu Hung, Chu Thai, Chu Hien and Di Ut all show their love, care and enormous respect for you is very touching. It is what shows me that you are a truly great a man, I hope to hold a fraction of this love from my own children one day. 

Thank you for being father that you are and for the way that you raised my mother. My Mama is the most intelligent, patient, diligent, wise and ever curious person I know. The elegance with which she holds herself and her persistence to always see both sides of the story is something I’ve always admired and she always makes me laugh with her dry humour. You should be very proud of your eldest child, I love you very much Mama! Bo, I love you too but this is Ong Ngoai’s day! 

So, here’s to 100 years and many more happy years to come. You are a very special person and I’m proud to be your grandson. 

Lots of love, Xiu. 

4. Em Bé:

Happy 100th birthday Ong ngoai! An incredible milestone and no small feat to still see you looking so strong, healthy and sound of mind! I would be content if I can look as good at even half your age! While many years have passed since we last met, know that you are still in my thoughts and even now I am still reminded of the impact you have had on people's lives when I say I am your grandson. Have an amazing celebration, miss you and lots of love all the way from Sydney. To the next century! Love Yen.

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