Think about the mysterious magical nature of this liquid energy that we take for granted.
Try to squeeze it, and it eludes us; relax our hands into it, and we experience it readily.
If it stays stationary, it will become stagnant; if it is allowed to flow, it will stay pure.
It does not seek the high spots to be above it all, but settles for the lowest places.
It gathers into rivers, lakes, and streams; courses to the sea; and then evaporates to fall again as rain.
It maps out nothing and it plays no favorites: It doesn’t intend to provide sustenance to the animals and plants.
It has no plans to irrigate the fields; to slake our thirst; or to provide the opportunity to swim, sail, ski, and scuba dive.
These are some of the benefits that come naturally from water simply doing what it does and being what it is.
“Change your thoughts – change your life” by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
"Chieu ve tren song Dong Nai" - edited by HTBN
taken on the way back home from work
with the thought of the mysterious WATER
It sounds like a very good book. Ngoc se kiem mua sach nay doc. Ngoc rat thich tam hinh quyen sach. Nhung lan sau nho son mong tay ... hehehe :)
That's me - dear! Neu co' ... mo'ng ddo? thi ...thanh con ga` roi :)
hinh nhu chua rua tay do nhen
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