Aug 14, 2021


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An old Indian taught his grandson about life.

“In every person there is a battle going on, a battle between two wolves.

One black and one white.

The black wolf represents evil.

He is angry, furious, dissatisfied, jealous, sad, fearful, greedy and arrogant.

He is full of guilt, regret, resentment, inferiority, lies etc.

“The white wolf represents good.

He is friendly and does not harm anyone. He gives joy, calmness, love, humility, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion.

He lives in harmony with the world around him.

He fights only when necessary, takes care of the other wolves and is true to himself.”

He pauses for a moment so that his grandson can form a picture of these wolves.

Then he says: “Everyone has those two wolves in them. And both want to be the boss in my thinking, doing and not doing.”

The grandson thinks for a moment and asks, “Which wolf will win?”

The Indian replies, “The wolf you feed. The wolf you give the most attention!

Because everything you pay attention to grows.”

It is important that you pay attention to the black, whatever it is (it is there every now and then), but do not get caught up in it, and start to believe in it and act on it! Realizing again and again that you have a choice, who do you want to be deep down and what makes your/your life valuable now?


Video about the uninvited guest:

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