Jun 8, 2013

DEATH - Doãn Quốc Sỹ Tâm

Sometimes, people think it is bad to age, or mature.  Maybe they are afraid of death, or may be they are just not ready to mature. Either way, aging is just a process of life, like it or not. Aging does not mean you have to change the ways of living your life, or it doesn't always mean you have to have to be a lot more responsible and stressful. 

Aging means that you are simply going through the process of life. This can apply to death also, death is also a process of life. Take these leaves for example, a lot of these leaves are are, some are not. The young ones are getting ready to grow and the old ones fall into the ground, but don't worry, the leaves that has fallen to the ground will eventually become fertilize for the earth. 

You may not be a leaf, but that doesn't mean that you can't help the earth and its animals and people. Your life is very important, and you must understand not to fear death, the good deeds you will do in life will not be forgotten. Maybe some of your good deeds will inspire others to become like you and lead you earth to a better place. 

The point is that you are an important person, and you can make a difference. You may die one day, but your good deeds will be a living inspiration to earth, just like the leaves. Remember, people may be gone, but they will never be forgotten. 

I hope you realize what role death plays in life, and how important is life. Good luck and remember to live your life like you mean it.

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