Feb 8, 2008

Doan Phuong Vi's photo and poem

Dan and Vit

from my eyes,

i see my two siblings stir their whipped cream into their hot chocolate
prepared by strangers in a coffeehouse. they're so young, so happy.
they smile at me, and laugh whenever i make a funny face.
they find amusment even in the smallest things.
like when i unwrap the paper from the straw
crinkle it up, and make it into a caterpiller with one tiny drop of my coffee.
in that moment, i felt the happiest.

it's something about family... that doesn't have to be said

they don't have to tell you they love you,
they'll do things for you and show you instead.

Photo of Vi by Vi


Hot... said...

Hello Vi, co Ngoc thich bai tho va hinh Vi chu.p 2 em Dan-Vi.t la(m' do', very artistic, nha^t' la` tam hi`nh of Vi by Vi. Family love = unconditional love phai khong Vi?

Hot... said...

Hi co Ngoc! I'm glad you like it. :) I always find it easy to express the unconditional kind of love, especially when it deals with family. You are right, family = unconditional love. That's the best thing about it. Chuc mung nam moi!

Love, Vi

Hot... said...

Hello Vi,
Such a beautiful poem, oozing with love... And through the lens of love Vit and Dan looked even doubly cuter! I'm so proud of you, Vi !! Chi. Bi sends her love to you too ...
Ba'c Thanh