Nov 2, 2016

WISDOM - Paulo Coelho


'In the Night of Time, when we were separated, one of those parts was charged with nurturing and maintaining knowledge: man.  He went on to understand agriculture, nature and movements of the stars in the sky.  Knowledge was always the power that kept the Universe in its place and the stars turning in their orbits. That was the glory of man - to nurture and maintain knowledge.  And that is why the whole human has survive.

'To women was given something far more subtle and fragile, but without which knowledge makes no sense at all, and that thing was transformation.  The men left the soil fertile, we sowed seeds, and the soil was transformed into trees and plants.

'The soil needs the seed, and the seed needs the soil.  The one only has meaning with the other.  It is the same thing with human beings.  When male knowledge joins with female transformation, then the great magical union is created, and its name is Wisdom.  Wisdom means both know and transform.'

"Breda", Paulo Coelho 

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