Nov 20, 2015

VIVE LAFRANCE - Marion Tâm Xuân

As seen on the news for the past few days,  France is undergoing a really hard time. As a French citizen of immigrant parents born and raised near Paris, I was touched by the concern and encouragement we have received, expressed through flowers, messages, and the blue-white-red transparent filter on Facebook. My heart goes out for the people who had friends and family in the Bataclan theatre shooting, who found out that their loved ones never made it back home that night. My family and friends over there live near Paris, but thankfully did not directly face the dangers.
And so, I'd just like to say thank you for the moment of silence and the thoughts that have gone out to the people of France.  France is a very welcoming country, open to many cultures and religious beliefs, and although I am not over there right now, it is still my home and so this really means a lot to me. Thank you :)


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