There I was, sleeping like a baby log. Then I heard laughter that made me awake. My mom told me to wake up and meet Co Utt (since she came at 1:00 in the morning and I didn’t get to meet her)! I woke up eagerly and jumped out of bed like I was jumping from a skyscraper. I brushed my stinky, ugly teeth and brushed my hair and acted like I woke up minutes ago. I came outside and hugged her like I was hugging a big squishy bear! Sadly, I’m the same size of her. She gave me presents from other people and from her. She passed me this “chinese” dress which looks like a sister of the ao dai. It was purple and had beautiful glitters on it. I wore it right after I got it!
Then my “chinese-acting” dad saw me. Oh the torture started! He started wearing this hideous suit with this over sized black coat and then slide on his 70’s looking glasses. He took a long time pampering himself that Co Utt just told me to take about 3 pictures before he comes out which I predict will be an hour later! I went out and I was like freezed to death! I stood on the homemade bridge my dad made long ago, and then she took one picture of me standing on the bridge. Now I didn’t smile really big because it seems like the wind froze my mouth to expand. I was about to run after I heard a silent flash but then she told me to sit on the bars of the bridge. I was very sad, SO CLOSE to escape from the
coldness. Another flash happened, I stood up then she told me, “NO NO! One more picture, ok?” I felt like I was gonna die in the inside. The coldness was running through my body. It was like 30 degrees outside and guess what? The dress has short sleeves and shows a lot of skin on both legs and arms. (let’s include the face, shall we?) So after the OFFICIAL picture of me, I ran with the wind inside!
As I got to the house I felt the warm temperature defrosting me down. It was like in a hot tub but without water! Then I took one step and FINALLY my dad came out. Oh lookey now! He gets to have a hat, coat, and scarf but me?! Ugly costume but good warmth! I should’ve done that! But Co Utt gave me a break and let me stay in the house until my dad’s done taking pictures. She called my name and I ran in my black dress shoes. I took pictures with my dad which was taking forever! BUT it finally ended just after 4 pictures! Hooray! I ran inside and changed into my warm pajamas in under a minute. Well, that’s my freezing story for you. Have a freezing Chinese New Year/Tet!
Anh Doan

Then my “chinese-acting” dad saw me. Oh the torture started! He started wearing this hideous suit with this over sized black coat and then slide on his 70’s looking glasses. He took a long time pampering himself that Co Utt just told me to take about 3 pictures before he comes out which I predict will be an hour later! I went out and I was like freezed to death! I stood on the homemade bridge my dad made long ago, and then she took one picture of me standing on the bridge. Now I didn’t smile really big because it seems like the wind froze my mouth to expand. I was about to run after I heard a silent flash but then she told me to sit on the bars of the bridge. I was very sad, SO CLOSE to escape from the

As I got to the house I felt the warm temperature defrosting me down. It was like in a hot tub but without water! Then I took one step and FINALLY my dad came out. Oh lookey now! He gets to have a hat, coat, and scarf but me?! Ugly costume but good warmth! I should’ve done that! But Co Utt gave me a break and let me stay in the house until my dad’s done taking pictures. She called my name and I ran in my black dress shoes. I took pictures with my dad which was taking forever! BUT it finally ended just after 4 pictures! Hooray! I ran inside and changed into my warm pajamas in under a minute. Well, that’s my freezing story for you. Have a freezing Chinese New Year/Tet!
Anh Doan

You are so pretty Vit and the chinese dress is called "cheong sam"...
Chi Yen
Vit Con nha minh dung la chau cua ong Sy roi. Bai viet cua Vit lam cho nguoi doc cam thay lanh cong nhu con vay do.
Nho deo day chuyen mau tim, kep toc mau tim cho du bo nha Vit.
Bac Lien
Guess who it is?~
Amy! (^o^)/ Still remember me? (sorry about the weird name, it won't change for a while
You look very pretty in your Chinese dress
My aunts sometimes make me pose for pictures, too, but I try and run away when they aren't looking (^w^);
Where was Dan when this all happened? Did he get to escape?! (>ロ<)
Talk to me more, okay? I miss you very much!!! o(ToT)/~
Amy (not Ami) (^ー^)/
Hello Hotvit
I have admired your father very much. I dont know when I will have the honor to meet your 'Bo Sy'. He is great a human being without hatred and no bitterness no grudge or even no vengeful against the tyrants.
I read "Bo Sy'Di" and I was moved deeply to know your family predicament after the "giai phong".
Please send my regards to "Bo Sy" and tell him that I wish Bo Sy and Mme Hao (his wife) all the best and they will live as long as 110 years!
Tran Tan Phu Lam
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