Aug 6, 2024


Ông Carlo Anzon - boss của út, chủ nhà hàng Pendolasco vừa mất tại Ý. Út thường gọi ông là "Sir" cho vui, và toàn bộ đồng nghiệp đều gọi theo.

Sir sinh năm 1942, là ông già gân nên năm nay 82 tuổi vẫn còn đi bộ một ngày 15-20 km.

R.I.P  Sir!

They had told him not to go, they had warned him that the route in Val Parina was impervious and dangerous. But he had chosen to follow his passion. Indeed, the passion of that moment, because Carlo Anzon was full of interests. «My brother was a bit like Picasso, he had his phases. He had the period in which he loved collecting old cookbooks, the period in which he dedicated himself to photography, and now it was the period of randonnée. He walked 15-20 kilometers every day and his passion was going to the valleys of Bergamo. He knew them very well and visited them by traveling by bus, of which he knew all the lines, because he didn't like taking the car." The speaker is Edoardo, brother of Carlo Anzon, the 82-year-old who disappeared on Friday morning and was found on Sunday 4 August in a stream in Dossena, in Val Parina. A man full of energy and vitality, perhaps betrayed by an illness while he was walking in the mountains.


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