Apr 19, 2018



And above all, mindfulness is about patience. It recognizes that changes need time, and that we cannot make things happen on our desired schedule. And some things are completely beyond our ability to change (as people often are). We can’t make a flower bloom when we want it to. In some cases, it might not bloom at all. But we can set the best possible conditions to support its happening. So we fertilize the soil and provide water and sunshine. Then we must wait, patiently and without expectations.


Thích Nhất Hạnh
Source: https://www.wildmind.org/blogs/quote-of-the-month/thich-nhat-hanh-most-precious-gift

We can't make a flower bloom when we want it to.
We wait patiently 
and without expections...
các em nở :) 





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