Dear Sy-Tam
Thank you for writing such a nice letter to me. Humm... Yu-Gi-Oh card hey? I’ve never heard of that one and never played it either. How about one day when I’m not busy, I’ll come down to your place and you show me how to play huh?
I’ll try my best to find the Obelisk The Tormentor card for you, but one question first: are you being good and nice?? I have checked all the newspapers and haven’t seen you there! Maybe you can do something nice to Daddy, Mommy, Út, bác Khánh, anh Nô etc... and send me the pictures hey?
Ah, thank you so much for sending me one dollar. I tell you what: ask Mommy to buy you a nice little piggy bank, then put that one dollar in there for me. You can put more in from time to time, and when the piggy is full, I’ll give you one project to do for me, OK?
In the meanwhile, I have a little something to give to you too – ask Út to print it out for you.
Santa Claus 1 North Pole
photo: http://mocii.com/index.php?newsid=141
Hi Bac Thanh,
Thang Oui no’ lau ca la’m. Viet thu nho\ ong gia Noel mua bai\ Yu Gi Ho ma\ da’u bo’ Hung, vi\ bie’t bo’ khong thi’ch chi tien cho ca’I vu nay\.
Cuoi’ thu con da’m ho’I lo. Ong gia\ Noel $1, va\ khoanh tro\n do\ng chu? In God We Trust ten to\ giay’ ba.c
Hom qua di ho.c ve\, no’ noi’ voi’ bo’: tu\ day den Christmas con se? khong no’I ba.y nua?, de? Santa Claus khoi? List trong danh sach naughty boys!
Thang nay\ lo’n se? kho’ da.y, chac giong tha\ng Hippo !!!
bo Hung
Ừ, lưu manh hết biết luôn – đã hối lộ còn nịnh hót nữa. Santa trả lời rồi đó, bây giờ người lớn ráng mà lùng ra cho nó, tháng 2 bác T qua sẽ bù lỗ lại cho ồ tế.
Bac Thanh
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