Dec 29, 2020


It’s quite out of the norm for me to say something like what I’m about to say, but I feel that it would be a disservice to all the small businesses if I don’t voice my opinion about this. I can’t truly advocate for small businesses if I don’t defend for them. I was reached out by an “influencer” today asking for free samples in return for a review. I’m not a big fan of influencers, never have and never will. 

First of all, are you really an influencer if you have to reach out to a small business to ask for free samples? Who are you trying to influence? Your ego? I’m not saying all influencers are bad, but let’s be honest here, do you really need to call yourself an “influencer” to influence other people or is it just to make yourself feel a bit more important than the rest? 

Don’t get me wrong, I am not above giving out samples. I gave out a lot of it at the beginning of my business. And I’m still giving my products on a regular basis to the people I know that would appreciate them. Not for my business alone, but for all small businesses out there, each product and service is a labor of love, a lot of sweat and time go into creating a complete product. And for somebody to say “I know it costs a lot to make it but what do you think about letting me try your products for free...?” that only shows zero appreciation to all the hard work that goes into it. And if you don’t appreciate somebody’s hard work, you don’t deserve to get anything for free. 

Given the current job situation due to covid, if an influencer has the audacity to use the excuse to “support small business” and then go ask for free stuff, then I’m not sure what perfect world you have been living in and please leave me out of it. Every single day people are struggling to feed their family and they are doing whatever they can to get by, one sales can mean putting food on the table for a day or two. One sales can mean many things, large or small. So please don’t rob somebody else’s privilege to take care of their family by using the idea that you could influence how many thousand followers you may have on social media. 

For a little guy like me, I would love nothing more than hearing people talk about my products. And I am proud to say that every single review I have received so far is from honest and genuine relationships I have created with my customers. I talk to them, I know them by their names, I know their preferences and allergies, I work hard to earn those reviews, and I wouldn’t want that any other way. 

If you have the ability to, please do support a small local business. If you want to but don’t have the mean to do so, there are ways to support them without costing a penny like sharing their stories, referring people to them, cheering them on. At the end of the day, Jeff Bezos doesn’t do a happy dance when a sales is made, but I guarantee you, your one small act of kindness, whatever it may be, can make someone’s day within your very own community. 

Anyway, my rant is over. Good night to all! ✌🏻

Thảo Chi Tina

P.S. feeling passionate today, might delete later.

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