Before the World War Two, the country named "Destroyer" dropped the nuclear weapon. More than 2 million men died. A scientist who worked for the military took a heart and a brain of a person but the scientist accidentally dropped the brain to a bowl of acid. But the brain did not die. Just then the scientist picked it up. It was growing green then the scientist put the heart and the brain to a robot. The robot became stronger than any other robots in the world.
Doãn Quốc Sỹ Tâm
how the scientist did his job
Hi Oui,
Love your robot! Keep up the good work!!!
chi Ti
e't di't tha(`ng Xi San di (:
Power robot, yeah ...
chu En
Thằng Oui này, đầu óc tưởng tượng phong phú thiệt ! Bác Liên lé mắt vì nó rồi đó nha.
Thương nhiều nó nhiều lắm.
Bac Lien
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