Aug 21, 2008

... to cheer himself up - Mẹ Ngọc

Hôm qua Huy đi thi Spelling Bees Competition for Year 3 và hôm nay được selected in top 3 to compete with Year 4. He has a chance to represent his school in 10 years old catgory.

Winner của hôm nay's competition là top 2 winners only - Huy in top 3 but .... lost to 2 girls (2 Indian origin sisters). Huy về nhà buồn và có dropped a few tears and disappointed himself (Huy himself is his own worst critic). Bố Ển mẹ Ngọc thì mừng lắm tại vì Huy did try his best and lost to 2 well trained girls and belongs to the school's top 3. It's a great achievement.

Then Huy decided to cheer himself up by ... cooking pastas with Daddy.

Here are some photos of the day ...

Mẹ Ngọc


Hot... said...

Me Ngoc da thu*o*?ng cai gi cho Huy on Me Huong's behalf chua?
Thuong no' wua'

Me Huong

Hot... said...

Hoi sa'ng Ngoc co' noi la` me Huong nho me. thuong cho no' them 1 chiec xe, thi` ca'i mat no' sa'ng len va hoi "ta.i sao me Huong biet no' thi'ch xe?" Ngoc noi "me. noi cho me Huong biet la no' thi'ch xe." Thi no' o^` len ra ve khoa'i.
Thu*' 7 na`y BHMN se cho O di lu*a. xe :)).

Me Ngoc

Hot... said...

Congratulations, Huy, that's a great achievement. I really like your attitude: trying your very best and enjoying yourself with your lovely family. There is always a tomorrow and another chance. Can't wait to see you, your brother and your parents in November (sorry that Uncle Joe can't join me since he has to work; by that time, he will be very busy, moving into the new library on our campus).

Cheers from co No.c :-)))

Hot... said...

Bac Lien thấy gia đình bác Tám - EnNgocHuyDang- de thuong qua. Huy được bác Liên đánh giá rất cao về kiến thức và tinh thần trách nhiệm. Còn thằng giặc Đăng sao dạo này tươi quá vậy ? Con gì cắn nó ? Có phải con gái không ? :))

Bac Lien

Hot... said...

Hie^n? Ngoc o*i

Noi' thang` Huy no' duoc vay la` qua' ok ro^i`...ngay` xu*a = tuo^i? no' bac' T no' du*ng' truoc chu*~ nghia~ suy tu* to*i' 8 tie^ng'*i' doc du*o*c.!!!!....con` thang` Hippo da^n cho*i co' duye^n lam'!!!! Thang` nay` khoi? ca^n` hoc gioi? lo*n' le^n kie^m' em nao` nha` giau`, dai. trai nhay? vo^ la` co' an.( noi' dua` tho^i chu*' no' ok lam'!!!)

Bac Thai

Hot... said...

Very good Huy! Trying your best is the best attitude. Can't fail in life with this attitude. Keep up the good work ok (both studying & cooking :-))

Co Ha.

Hot... said...

Bac Hoa khongtuongtuong duoc la Huy cothe cook duoc, cool qua Huy oi... Huy does good job, so proud of you.... Huy in top 3 lost to 2 girls, vay la Huy in top 1st cho tat ca boys roi do... Dang co hao hung cook nhu anh khong? Chu Bo Hien thay thi qua exciting ha??? Huy cooking coi professional de so?
Bac Hoa thuong may dua nho ...

Hot... said...

Hello HNHD,
Nhi\n hinh nho Rhino qua'? How many planets in our solar system?
Chac bac Hung phai ha quyet tam return to Xit Ni 1 chuyen de? o nha\ cua? HNHD. How about next 3 years, sau khi da? vao quoc tich My?
Bac Hung

Hot... said...

Hehehe... Mo Tu nha no nuoi... chong con kheo nhi??? Chong thi ngoan, con thi gioi!!!

Mo Hai

Hot... said...

Hoi sa'ng truoc khi di ho.c co' viet 1 ca'i note cho BHMN la` "Dear Mum and Dad, I don't want to try to do the Spelling Bee any more, from Eric." Cho nen tha(ng` na`y la` "worries child," hay lo la(m', cho nen Ngoc khong da'm e'p no' nhieu, chi? biet encourage no' thoi.

Me Ngoc