Aug 30, 2019


Dear H. and A.

It should be lunch time for you now. The other day I looked at how Út arranged foods and felt blessed that you both have love for beauty. Maybe it was what brought you together. Everything you do together is pure beauty, with a lot of mind put in it.

Everyday I go to our tiny balcony to water our tiny plants, including a rose tree that faithfully blossoms for us those tiny roses. The roses are pale rose, and they seem to be too shy to shine. They remind me of your love, so simple, so straightforward, so blended in everything around you but glowing from within. For me, it's so beautiful to know that you often talk about me and my family, and you care about how we go, like we just met yesterday.

Just a note before going to bed,

Love and tight hugs!

Chị Thùy

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