Aug 27, 2018


First of all,  I would like to thank everybody for being here. It means a lot to me that you all showed up to support me and the scouting community. The journey to earn the eagle rank has been tiring and even scary at times. In fact, when I first started going to scouts, I never even planned on attending scouts for more than a few months. I would always be jealous of my other friends who get to spend their Saturday mornings watching cartoons instead of being stuck outdoors for 3 hours. However, slowly I began to appreciate scouting and its importance. Over the course of 11 years of scouting, my initial annoyance for scouting began to become passion instead.

Initially, I believed that the eagle rank was completely out of my reach. However with endless words of encouragement from my family, I decided to go for the rank, and it was the best decision I have ever made in my life. Although the road was filled with sweat, stress, and sleepless nights of procrastination, I pulled it off proudly.

This project tested the capabilities of my leadership skills, and it cannot be understated on how much my friends and family has helped and supported me. My family provided me with invaluable emotional support. They were there for me during my most stressful times, and I know they will continue to support me on my scouting path. My friends,volunteers, and leaders happily gave their time and effort to help me plan and build my project. They worked tirelessly with me to ensure that this project goes as planned. Without them, the project wouldn’t be as successful as it was.

Lastly I would like to say that although this may be the end of the journey to earn my eagle, it is not the end of my journey as a scout. I will continue to be an active member in the scouting community and I will continue to pass down my knowledge to young and ambitious scouts. I want end this speech by encouraging every scout to chase their dreams, no matter how daunting it may seem. Every obstacle you encounter will make you stronger, and everything that may first scare you is instead an opportunity to learn and grow. So be brave, be ambitious, and most importantly, be prepared.

Thank you!

Doan Quoc Sy Tam

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