Nov 26, 2017



In an unprecedented move, the Dalai Lama recently joined forces with top psychologists of the Western world to map out this touchy-feely emotional territory. The motive? If we can navigate our emotions with grace, then we have more of a chance to remain in a state of calmness. The result is a fascinating online Atlas of Emotions, a 21st century tool for anyone feeling horrible to literally navigate their way through the contractions and repressions of living energy.

As a first step, a survey was carried out of 149 scientists (emotion scientists, neuroscientists and psychologists who are published leaders in their fields) to ascertain a consensus about the nature of emotions and the moods or states they produce.

The survey led to the conclusion that there are five categories of emotion: anger, fear, disgust, sadness and enjoyment; each with an elaborate subset of emotional states, triggers, actions and moods. Enjoyment? Yes, even emotions of joy and compassion, can disconnect us from calmness. According to the list of psychopathologies written in the Annex, joy can get fixated as Mania and/or Cyclothymia.

The interactive map lets you click through emotional phenomenon: from identifying one of the five key emotions (such as anger) through to exploring its range of layers and expressions.

The range of anger, for example, goes from a low intensity annoyance, to frustration, exasperation, argumentativeness, bitterness, vengefulness and on to full blown fury. Anger (“We’re angered by interference”) can also be clicked through to examine its common actions (insult, quarrel, be passive aggressive) and its triggers (such as rejection, mindless bureaucracy, and more). At the Annex of the Atlas, phenomena get more clinical, with listings of personality traits, psychopathology (such as antisocial personality disorder, otherwise known as sociopathy) and ‘signal and message’. The message citation for anger for example, is listed as: “Get out of my way.” Anger can carry a message ranging from dissatisfaction to threat.”


Atlas of Emotions - Dalai Lama In the Field of Emotions

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