Dec 24, 2016

OLD JOKE OF COKE - Paul Beatty


While the good old boys argued the merits and manifestations of sexuality, I, thankful to be alive, went inside the store for a soda.  They carried only one brand and one size, Coca-Cola in the classic seven-ounce bottle.  I twisted one open and watched the effervescent sprites of carbon dioxide dance in the sun rays.  I can't tell you how good that Coke tasted, but there's an old joke that I never understood until that bubbling brown elixir slid soothingly down my throat.

Bubba the redneck, a nigger, and a Mexican are sitting at the same bus stop when BAM! a genie appears out of nowhere in a cloud of smoke.  "You each get one wish," says the genie, adjusting his turban and his ruby rings.  So the nigger says, "I wish for all my black brothers and sisters to be in Africa, where the land will nourish us and all Africans can prosper."  The genie waved his hands, and BAM! all the blacks left America and went to Africa. The Mexican then said, "Órale, that sounds good to me.  I want all my Mexican peoples to be in Me-hee-co where we can live well and have yobs and drink from glorious pools of tequila."  BAM! They all went to Mexico and left America.  Then the genie turns to Bubba the redneck and says, "And what is it you desire, Sahib? Your wish is my command."  Bubba looks at the genie and says, "So you're telling me that all the Mexicans are in Mexico and all the niggers are in Africa?"
"Yes, Sabib"
"Well, it's kinda hot today, I guess I'll have a Coke."

That's how good that Coke was.


Trích: The Sellout, A Novel by Paul Beatty

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