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Sep 20, 2012
anh Anh's Gyoza
Gyoza mặn
Gyoza chay
Gyoza chay hay mặn ?
Gyoza - Japanese style dumplins
Gyoza is originally a Chinese dish, which has become very popular
across Japan. This recipe shows how to make the gyoza dough and the
gyoza filling. The time consuming and difficult part of making of the
dough can be skipped by buying premade dough pieces, which are available
at some Japanese and Chinese grocery stores.
Dumpling cua Nhat do' ba'c Thai. Yummy lam :)) 2 thang no nha Ngoc thich mon nay lam do Huong, Hippo co the an mot lan 12 cai :). Me Ngoc ben day cung hay lam mon nay cho 2 thang no. Hom nay chac anh Anh phai hon 100 cai cho moi nguoi an moi du, dung khong?
Banh'gi`ky`va^y.?? Yoga a`??? Tao chu*a bao gio*`an cai'mon'nay`bao gio*`! Sao no'gio^ng'Ha'cao? tie^m? xa^m'cua? Tau`the^' ????
Dumpling cua Nhat do' ba'c Thai. Yummy lam :))
2 thang no nha Ngoc thich mon nay lam do Huong, Hippo co the an mot lan 12 cai :). Me Ngoc ben day cung hay lam mon nay cho 2 thang no.
Hom nay chac anh Anh phai hon 100 cai cho moi nguoi an moi du, dung khong?
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