May 11, 2009

The Best Place To Live In - Doan Quoc Huy Eric Rhino

Tác giả Rhino

I would live in 31 Peel Road.
It's a lovely house in pristine condition. You're not convinced ?
I can tell you not 1, not 2, but 3 reasons !

First it has big backyard that you can do anything in it such as : playing cricket, soccer, basketball - absolutely anything ! Did I forget to say I had a swimming pool ? Well we do ! It's about - let's say 10m long. We have a fantastic trampoline. You can bounce on it for hours !

Second the inside is lots of fun ! I have game consoles such as the WII, computer, PS2 and DS so if there are guests, they can have lots of fun ! Plus we make sure that our house is secured by installing alarms into our house. So there is nothing to worry about.

These are the reasons why I think 31 Peel road is the best place to live.

Goodbye ! (Sorry I didn't write the third reason.)

Eric Doan


Hot... said...

hahah, bai viet de thuong wa' CHCN, con thay O cu~ng co' m'u ha`i huo'c la'm chu' bo^. haha

Teo con.

Hot... said...

It's so details and very clear essay Huy !
You're really good observer ! Will be famous as ong Noi one day!
Bac Hang and Bac Thai are so proud of you , Huy!
Moa !moa !moa! Give you a big hug and 3 big kisses !
Love from us!
Bac T & bac H

Hot... said...

Bravo Rhino!!!

Bai `vie^t' the^? hie^n ca' tinh' ra^t' tinh` cam? !!I'm so pround of u!!! Keep going ok?
bac Thai

Hot... said...

Excellent writing, and you are right. And we all know the third reason--because you and your brother and your parents live there!

Bac Them (Joe)

Hot... said...

Hi "O",
I like your essay so much. It meets all the criteria of good writing but, at the same time, sounds so lively. It's like hearing you talk.
I was going to ask you to announce 2 reasons so that you won't have to ps "Sorry ..." about the third one; but then Joe's mail solved the problem! Oh yeah, you don't need to write the 3rd reason because we all know it. Thanks, Joe.
Bác K

Hot... said...

Thank you anh Thêm! You get the third reason perfectly right : ) : )



Hot... said...

Do.c xong ba`i essay cu?a tha`ng cu Huy thi` pha?i co^ng nha^.n la` vie^'t kha'... tuy nhie^n, kho^ng van hoa bo'ng ba^?y la'm nhu* chi. Vi.t be^n Houston .
A`, ma` tha`ng na`y cha'c cu~ng lu*o*`i chu'a te^? luo^n pha?i kho^ng me. Ngo.c, bo^' E^?n ?

ba'c Vinh

Hot... said...

Thang O co' co*n cua no' ba'c Vinh oi, biet do^? ra'c, unload dishwasher dum me Ngoc, va phu bo En lam com. Nhung den cuoi tuan duoc choi game la` quen het tat ca? (hehehe). Hippo coi vay ma luoi hon anh O :).

Me Ngoc