Jul 9, 2012


All about CHEESE

▪    S Doan  Sometimes....i dream about cheese.You feel it? I feel it.Cheese.
▪    S Vu why?
▪    S Doan good question, i have no idea
▪    S Vu i guessed so...
▪    S Doan no you understand why my dad takes me to therapy....
▪    S Vu yup, now i understand :) have fun with the therapist!
▪    S Doan thank you! He enjoys me!
▪    S Vu excellent! should u go to bed now? and dream of Pyro instead...
▪    S Doan Stop stalking my dreams San....
▪    S Vu i wish i could, just like in Inception, did u ever watch it? if not then u know nothing about dreams... Sy Tam
▪    S Doan Inception is awesome......it is a dream inside a dream, and that dream contains cheese....
▪    S Vu so true, in my dream i dream that you dream about having a dream containing cheese...
▪    S Doan you,my friend, made me awesome
▪    S Doan i hope to become you someday
▪    S Doan ‎*brofist*
▪    S Vu sure, i wish i could put my fist here so you can *brofist* through the internet! and because i can't, u do it in your dream, ok?
▪    S Doan Okay bro. You are awesome. So heres a gift for you =).http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWucPckXbIw moscowOld song called "Moscow", or something like that. I don't know why but I just lo...See More
▪    S Vu fantastic, in one of my dreams you were dressing, singing & dancing just like that, bro! moskau...moskau...hohoho...moskau...moskau...hohoho
▪    S Doan xD you are so awesome sometimes... that even cheese dream about you
▪    S Vu ok, i gotta go back to work now. It's been very nice & cheesy chatting with you about cheese & dreams... See you next time!?
▪    S Doan see you next time my brother....

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