Aug 11, 2015



In this moment we can recognize that we have a lot of baggage stored up in our consciousness based on what has happened in the past. But this baggage is not us. In the past, we have imprinted the images of those whom we dislike or our enemies very darkly in our minds. If we have the energy of mindfulness when those images come up, then we do not identify with that anger, frustration, or suffering. Immediately we can end all of our suffering of the past right in the present moment. And in the present moment, if we are to live with this energy of awareness of all of the suffering of our past, our cart can be very free. Our cart will be very light as it goes into the future, and immediately we can save ourselves and we can help many people with their afflictions as well.


Zen Talks by Thích Phước Tịnh
Edited and Illustrated by Karen Hilsberg
Jasmine Roots Press – 2008
The Energy of Avalokiteshvara

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