Jul 17, 2020

Thư Chub gửi hai chẻ út ở Hòa Lan

How are you?  I hope everybody is having a better weather than us Down Under.  This week it’s mostly overcast and freezing.  And still I have to wake up early in the morning from monday till friday to go over to ông bà nội - now that baba and mama have to work fulltime.
But I don’t mind, I looove being with ông bà.  Here’s bà nội and me:

We get along dandy, until the time I started talking too much to avoid finishing my lunch/dinner, which annoyed bà a lot, so she said to me : “ChubChub nhiều chuyện quá”.  To which I replied: “uh uh ... Chub 1 chiện, bà 2 chiện ...” 😎

Here’s ông nội and me, we are always best friends:

And I love chú Xiu and cô Sarah too.  (But mama reckons I’d love anyone who’s willing to piggyback me all day 😜😜.)

The other day they came visiting ông bà and stayed the night, so next morning I could jump into their bed - so much fun.  Baba took the photo and said “That’s a pretty loud bed bug” 🤪😂

And we went for a walk together too:

I guess I’m pretty “nhiều chiện” after all ... 😃.  But this is the last news I want to share with you:  my cousin Noémie is 1 month old today.  So according to Viêt traditions, bà made offerings to the twelve fairy godmothers who protect and help her during her first year.

Noémie is so far away, and so are you two.  I wish one day I can squeeeezzze all of you in my arms 🙌

Lots of love and hugs ❤️💓❤️💓


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