Oct 26, 2018


An excellent source of gratitude and inner peace is to spend a moment every day thinking of someone to love. It doesn't really matter who it is because the idea is to gear your mind toward love.  Once the person to whom you're directing love is clear, simply wish them a  day filled with love.

Don't sweat the small stuff .. and it's all small stuff' - Kristine and Dr. Richard Carlson

An excellent source of gratitude and inner peace 
is to walk with the beloved one 
along Albert Canal every day :)

The Albert Canal (Dutch: Albertkanaal, French: Canal Albert) is a canal located in northeastern Belgium, which was named for King Albert I of Belgium. The Albert Canal connects Antwerp with Liège, and also the Meuse River with the Scheldt River. It also connects with the Canal Dessel-Turnhout-Schoten, and its total length is 129.5 kilometres (80.5 mi).

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Canal

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