Feb 10, 2008


Things that happens in Vietnam, makes me cry.

Also, there is not much to buy.

This country is very poor.

Knocking MIGHT break the doors.

If I live over there, do you think I have to prepare?

If anything bad happens, I should fight my way and fix it.

I pray and pray for freedom in Vietnam.

The reason why I wrote this poem is because caring for Vietnam - really means something to me.
Con Vit


Hotdzit said...

Ut, tao vua doc bai tho nay va rat cam kich the level of maturity of Vit. Noi voi Vit (tieng viet hay tieng Anh) la:

co Ngoc is very moved by this love and care for Vietnam at such tender age. Vietnam is not a poor country: it has wonderful resources. The sad thing, however, is that the gap between the rich and the poor is getting wider, therefore the poor cannot afford to buy things that the rich and the middle class (like us) can get. Co Ngoc especially love Vit's "can do" attitude. The way to go. Need more background reading materials on these issues: just let me know! Vit, upward and onward. I'm very proud of you.

Hotdzit said...

Beautifully rhymed, and your sentiments are expressed with such passion ! I like it very much Vịt ơi! Did you read it out to Ông Nội? I think he'll love it!!
Bác Thanh

Hotdzit said...

Hehe... dung vay!!!
Vietnam duoi mat VIT the tham qua???? Ai nhet vao dau
Vit nhung hinh anh toi tam qua vay?
Co Yen

Hotdzit said...

Dear Bac Thanh, Co Ngoc, Co Yen,

I didn't know how Vietnam was formed alot. But, I really like the comments you gave me. Some of it's funny and teaches me all about Vietnam (Co Ngoc) Thank you all!

Con Vit

Hot... said...

Co N oi..
That ra Vit ban dau chi co thec mec la..tai sao minh co 2 la co vn..,nen me h giai thich mot cach basic la co chien tranh vn giua nam va bac..Roi thinh thoang me h fai warning cai tat fi' fam. cua ca Dan va Vit .." you are so luckier than kids in vn...nhung dua be kem may man..". No doi di ve vn de xem tan mat...nhung dua be an xin ra sao. That su me h cung khong ngo la vit is so mature so voi her age. Nhung~ gi nghe , cong them su to` mo`...tu research on website..de biet the nao la chien tranh vn...(me h khong he khuyen khich viec nay)..da co tac dong lon' voi vit la vay.
Tam thoi..me h nghi chac se con kha lau de chuan bi nap vo nhung kien thuc sau xa hon..so voi tri' oc' non not cua vit. Chac chan ..luc do ..fai nho co N huong dan do chu'..:)
Ut oi...Vit noi la...khong hieu chu Alouis viet gi tren blogs..chac fai nho chu' dich qua english vay !!! :)
Me Hang

Hot... said...

Thank you, Hang, for this important context! Ngoc nghi bac Lien (sap sang toi noi) la best candidate de ke cho Vit nghe nhung cong tac xa hoi cua VNHELP thuc hien o Viet Nam (with reality on the ground!), va nhung viec gi chung ta co the lam duoc ben ngoai nay de giup Viet Nam (thi du nhu piano/jazz concert cua may em be tren San Jose, va con rat nhieu thi du cu the khac). Cho Vit chung kien tan mat canh VN la ly tuong nhat, nhung until then, tu tu Ngoc se de y nhung loai sach nhi dong phu hop voi tuoi Vit de gioi thieu cho tgd Hang Thai su dung... take care Hang,
