Oct 21, 2008

From President George W. Bush to Master Sy Tam Doan

Dear Sy Tam Doan

Thank you very much for your letter and lovely picture. Yes indeed I see that everybody is working hard, building new houses and so on, and very happy too - everybody is smiling, I'm so glad!

Are you the little boy I saw the other day on the newspaper washing cars to raise fund for the victims of Hurricane Ike? You've been working hard too. I will have a present sent to you because you've been such a good boy!

As to your idea to have an extra day for rest, that's a good one, I will pass it to the Congress in Washington D.C. You know, it's the Congress who will decide on such idea - let's hope that they would agree, and then you'll have Friday, Saturday and Sunday as weekends.

In the meanwhile, Halloween is coming soon, and then Thanksgiving - make sure you enjoy your vacations and have lots of tricks and treats.

Sincerely yours
George W. Bush
President of the United States of America


Hot... said...

Hom nay sau khi di hoc ve nhan duoc thu cua TT Bush, Oui cu tum tim cuoi hanh dien lam, lau lau con hoi me Hoa la: Khong biet lam sao ma ong Bush co the gui qua den nha minh duoc, ( boi vi nho rat ky cai chu present ma ong Bush co mention..), roi lau lau lai ngan ngu khong biet la Neu Oui ke cho co giao nghe thi co co noi gi khong?

Chieu nay ve noi hung con nghi ra them may projects du kien cho tuong lai :(:(:(:( nhu la : khi lon nhat dinh la Scientist se che tao may de xac dinh vi tri cua nguoi ma minh muon tim (mien la dua vao nhung characteristics day du cua nguoi nay ) do la vi ky niem bi di lac trong resort o Mui ne, cuoi cung nho chi Thu moi tim ra duoc...

Bac T chi viet co may dong ma Oui hanh dien lam (hay nhat la cai zu Bac remind cong trang rua xe de giup nan nhan bao Ike )...
Cha coi bo zu nay se con ... xay ra dai dai nua... Sap den la Oui lai lo lang khong biet ky truoc ong gia Santa gui thu cho Oui o Huntington Beach, nay da chuyen nha thi lam sao ong biet ma dua qua va gui thu cho Oui duoc????

Me Hoa

Hot... said...

Cho*`i, Xa*`ng Oui nhieu sáng kien nhu vay thì bét ra cung làm to*'i ... scientist, hoac neu hên si làm to*'i thày dùi (adviser) cho Tông Thông My nhu Kissinger vay : ) : ) Có ai dau tu vào Oui hông???

Bac Thanh