Jun 24, 2019


The statement on this side of the bridge, written in German, places you in the position of one of the German military's aggressors.  The violence he perpetrated against the "home" of another, even if the soldier was not conscious of it, was an attack on his own home, its security and safety.  He relinquished his own "home" and his innocence through his actions.  This caused many generations to be traumatized by guilt and bread mistrust between generation.

I want to find my way home
where I'm familiar
the wind embraces me
the rustling leaves listen quietly after me
the shadows whisper my stories
the moon remembers me

The former bridge in Vroenhoven is the spot where German troops first landed on May 10, 1940, and where the Battle of Belgium began. ... Belgian forces managed to blow up the bridge in Kanne but the two other bridges were captured before they could be destroyed.


Gần cầu có kênh đào
có đài tưởng niệm
có chỗ cho người nghiện ... cà rem :) 

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