May 10, 2015


Ever since I became a mom, besides learning how to change diapers and give my baby a bath and other baby related things, I have discovered so many fundamental things about myself.

I have learned that pride can be found when your baby can soothe herself to sleep at night.
I have learned that no perfume can ever smell as good as that sweet milky baby breath.
I have learned that happiness can be found even when I'm soaking wet or when I get peed on, pooped on, or even vomited on.
I have learned that motherhood is an indescribable wonderful thing that forever changes me.

So here is to my wonderful mom who was there for me through this journey from the delivery room to my baby's very first bath; to all the wonderful moms out there who know exactly what I'm talking about; and to all my friends who recently became a mom.

Happy Mother's Day and many more to come.


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