Nov 1, 2017


Storge lovers lack passion and intensity.


The storgic lover is unaware of any intensity of feeling.

The storgic lover establish a storge relationship with someone whom he or she knows and with whom he or she shares interest and activities.

Storgic love develops over a period of time rather than in one mad burst of passion.

Storgic lovers rarely say "I love you" or even remember what many would consider romantic milestones such as the first date, the first weekend alone and so on. Storgic love is a gradual process of unfolding thoughts and feelings; the changes seem to come so slowly and so gradually that it is often difficult to define exactly where the relationship is any point in time.

Not only is storgic love slow in developing and slow-burning, it is also slow in dissolving. Storgic lovers can endure long periods of time away from each other without feeling that there is any problem with the relationship. Similarly, they may endure long periods of relative inactivity or lack of excitement without feeling there is any relationship problem.


From "Types of Love" , Bernard Seal

1 comment:

Hot... said...

Cute article U't and good photo for the story as well (:

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